Design Awards Competition Form
To enter the Competition, please fill out the application form (below), pay the entry fee, and submit the following materials:
Two high-definition PDF Exhibit Boards:
Two Boards (size: 20” x 30”, or A1, oriented vertically) must be submitted electronically. The title of the project must be included on each panel. Please use 300 or equivalent high-resolution DPI; crop marks acceptable for full bleed. Vertical orientation.
Two versions of these boards are required: One version WITHOUT any information about the submitting agency because these boards will be judged in a “blind peer review process” by the jury; the second version WITH information about the submitting agency because this version will be displayed at the conference. These boards must not be uploaded to the website. Please provide a link from which the PDF boards can be downloaded (WeTransfer, YouSendit, Dropbox or Google Drive).
1) First Board -- CONCEPT & CONTEXT- concise “bullets”, diagrams, and graphics, etc. This board must be clear, legible, well-composed, and the graphics and content must be clearly related to the REALIZATION board.
a. Issues addressed by the project – economic, social, environmental (natural & man-made)
b. Historical, cultural and political perspective, and precedents (as applicable).
c. Project intentions and their relationship to IMCL principles (specify).
d. Clear graphic representations (sections, diagrams, or other drawings/models) that further describe the organization, key elements, proportions, size and scale of the space/place/building in context. Keyed to plans on REALIZATION board.
2) Second Board – REALIZATION - photographs, drawings, sketches, etc., clearly describing the actual (or intended for “Proposed” category) physical realization of the project, keyed or related to the first board.
a. Annotated plans describing all of the principal elements of the project.
b. Photographs (or perspectives, computer models and/or sketches for “Proposed Projects”) as appropriate to clearly present the character, materiality, scale and use of the space/place/building in context. The viewer must be “put into the place”.
HINT: Submissions in either category (“Built” or “Proposed”) should show the space(s) or place(s) being occupied and used by people. How does the project improve the health, livability, sustainability, and equity of the city for its citizens?
Five photos or illustrations:
These images will be used to present your project at the conference, if your submission is accepted for the final jury, and on the website if your project is selected for an Award. They should be horizontal (landscape) format, 300 or equivalent high-resolution DPI suitable for PPT projection. They must include the title of the project and the submitting agency.
One photo or illustration:
This image will be used at the conference during the Awards Ceremony, if your submission is selected for an Award. It should be horizontal (landscape) format, 300 or equivalent high-resolution DPI suitable for PPT projection. It must include the title of the project and the submitting agency. (It may be one of the five images required above.)
If your project is accepted for final review by the jury, and you are invited to register for the conference to confirm your participation in the Design Competition, please print out the two boards WITH information about the submitting agency and bring them with you to the conference. These boards will be displayed throughout the conference in the main Ballroom.
Updated submission deadline is January 31, 2020. We must receive both this Exhibit Application as well as your Project Entry Fee of $245 for the first project, and $120 for any additional projects.